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How to Use Product Filters

Learn How to Quickly Navigate our Product Page with our Filters

Spencer Bonthoux avatar
Written by Spencer Bonthoux
Updated over a week ago

Are you tired of searching through hundreds of products to find profitable products for your store?

Look no further! We have added 4 unique filters to help you find the perfect products to make your first sale.

By selecting 'Products' on the left navigating side-bar, the app will take you to our standard Products page. Above the listed products are 4 filters:

  • Price

  • Profit

  • Shipping Cost

  • More Filters

To use each filter, simply click on the icon.


Our Price filter sorts products by the Price Min and the Price Max for your cost, or the retail cost. The My Cost button allows you to filter products based on what you will pay the supplier. This cost is discounted 30-50% from the retail cost. By selecting the Retail Cost button, you can sort products based on how much the product normally sells for from the supplier.


The Profit filter is a great way to quickly sort products by the estimated profit. We set the initial filter price so that it filters out any products that will make less than $5 in profit. By selecting the filter, a drop-down menu will appear prompting you to set your Profit Min. This will filter out any products that don't meet your minimum profit.

The You Pay Shipping feature is for anyone who includes free shipping in their store. Our system will account for the shipping cost in the Profit estimate. Underneath is the Customer Pays Shipping feature. This button is for anyone charging their customers for shipping, this will tell our system not to take the shipping cost out of the Profit.

Shipping Rate

The Shipping Rate filter allows you to set your maximum shipping cost. This feature is especially helpful to stores wishing to pay for the cost of shipping rather than charging their customer.

More Filters

The More Filters drop-down menu allows you to quickly and easily narrow down your search to products that fit your niche. This menu contains filters such as:

  • Supplier Country

  • Ships To

  • Branded Invoicing

  • Manufacturing Country

  • Brand Values

To set these filters, simply enter your specifications and select Apply.

These filters allow you to search for products specific to your brand and values. Quickly scan through pages of profitable products or set your maximum shipping costs by using these filters.

If you have any questions please reach out to our support team by contacting [email protected].

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