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Understanding The Product Page - EMBEDDED

Learn About The DropCommerce Product Pricing Model

Spencer Bonthoux avatar
Written by Spencer Bonthoux
Updated over a year ago


Understanding Supplier Pricing

When importing products, it's important that you understand our pricing model in order to make the best decisions for your business. After clicking on an item in the Products page or when viewing a Supplier, you will be taken to a page like this:

​Products Pricing Structure (Example)

  • Variants - Many products offer multiple options, such as different sizes, colors, or styles. Each variant can have its own price, which you can view by clicking on the variant itself.

  • Price - This is the price you will pay the supplier if you make a sale (does NOT include shipping & fees).

  • Retail Price - This is the supplier's minimum retail price. Because we deal with real brands our suppliers do not allow stores to sell their products online at a cheaper price than they sell them for on their website β€” You will charge at least this price to earn a profit anyways!

  • Available Quantity - This is the number of items being held by the supplier. When a supplier's inventory reaches 0, it will say "Out of Stock".

  • Shipping - This is the shipping costs (shown for each country) and any fees associated with processing the order. Keep this in mind when setting your selling price.

  • Estimate Delivery - This is the amount of time it takes for the order to be delivered. This is dependent on a number of factors including shipping and customer location, and delivery method

  • Processing Time - This is the time it takes for the supplier to complete the order and ship the product. The total time it takes for an order to reach the customer is the Processing Time + Shipping Time,

  • Shipping Type - If the 'Shipping Type' is Per Order, that means that the shipping price is only charged once per order, no matter how many products are ordered. If this says Per Product, then each product will be charged shipping separately.

For a quick overview of any changes that have been made to the Price of products or variants in your store, or to view changes in your inventory levels, click the Inventory Levels & Change Notifications tab on the left navigation bar.

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